
Health for all is the main health objective of the Egyptian government. To monitor and evaluate progress toward the achievement of this goal, reliable data are needed. These data can be obtained from service administration (service-based data) and collected directly from the community (household-based data). The two types of data complement each other in enhancing the information available to monitor progress in the health sector.
Since 1980, a number of surveys have been carried out in Egypt to obtain data from the community on the current health situation including the series of Demographic and Health Surveys of which 2014 EDHS is the most recent. The 2014 EDHS is of special importance as it is the first national health survey since 2008. The preliminary results of the 2014 EDHS show that key maternal and child health indicators, including antenatal care coverage and medical assistance at delivery, have improved. However, the survey also documents a number of critical challenges, particularly relating to fertility and family planning.
The findings of the 2014 EDHS together with the service-based data are very important for measuring the achievements of health and population programs. Based on the above-mentioned considerations, the initial results of the 2014 EDHS should be widely disseminated at different levels of health management, in the central offices as well as local governments, and to the community at large.
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