Our Mission
ADP is a comprehensive, one-stop-shop knowledge resource that aims to improve the scope, depth, reliability, and availability of high-quality development knowledge to support development progress in the Arab region. It is a bilingual – Arabic and English – online knowledge platform that includes a unique database, with more than 14,500 indicators extracted from national and international sources, advanced tools for data browsing, extraction, and visualization, an SDGs Tracking Tool and a rich pool of additional resources, covering key development topics across all Arab countries.
It aims to promote open data, access to information, informed decision-making and analysis, and data-driven innovation, entrepreneurship and advocacy. It also offers technical and capacity-building workshops, advice and services to data producers and consumers on data sharing, management, analysis, reporting and dissemination. It acts as a networking platform to bring together diverse data communities.
Our Story
Data and knowledge resources on development issues in the Arab World are often outdated, of irregular reliability, and fragmented across multiple international, regional and local sources. By having access to and effectively using knowledge resources, individuals, firms and communities can improve their individual and collective well-being, thereby contributing to sustainable development. At a time when the percentage of individuals using the internet in the Arab Region has doubled and reached 49.5% up from 24% in 2010, investing in an open online platform offers a unique opportunity to capitalize on this unprecedented increase in internet activity.
Online since 25th of April 2016, the Arab Development Portal (ADP) is an initiative of the Arab Coordination Group (ACG), which comprises ten national, regional and international development institutions, in collaboration with the United Nations’ Development Programme (UNDP).
Effective January 1st, 2023, seven of the members of the ACG agreed to pass on the responsibility of maintaining and operating the Portal from the UNDP to the Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development, one of the members of the ACG, and to share in covering such cost for the period 2023-2025.