
The General Authority for Statistics (GASTAT) has released a special report for the World Youth Day 2020 titled "Saudi Youth Report in Numbers", which includes (population, social, economic, educational, health, cultural and recreational) statistics of Saudi youth. GASTAT confirmed in its statistical report based on its data that young Saudis of the age group (15-34 years) represent 36.7% of the total Saudi population; the majority of young males in the age group (20-24 years) represent 27.6%. on the other hand, the percentage of young females in the age groups (20-24 years) and (25-29 years) is 26.2% . The percentage of children and youth in the Saudi population in 2020 represents 67%. The percentage of young male and female who have never been married in the age group (15-34) years was 66.23%.; where 75.6% of males have never been married, and 50.4% of them were in the age group (15-34 years), while the percentage of unmarried females in the age group (25-34) was 43.1%. Additionally, the percentage of married females was (34.3%), divorced females in this age group was 1.27%, and the percentage of widows was 0.5%, report showed. The report indicated that the ratio of Saudi youth (15-34 years) who suffer from chronic diseases to the total Saudi population amounted to 5.5%, where the percentage of males reached 5.8%, and the percentage of females was 5.2%. The report also indicated that most Saudi females practice sports to improve their health, but for males they practice it for physical fitness and recreation.
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