This paper calls for an Arab awakening - a renaissance embodied in a strategy of regional economic integration. Witnessing an increase in intra-regional tourism, capital, and direct investment flows, the business sector has already taken up the challenge; while the...Read More
This report consists of two chapters, the first deals with trade among the OIC Member States, per country and per per product, and the second attempts to diagnose obstacles impeding the development of intra-OIC trade and proposes possible solutions to facilitate trade...Read More
This paper aims to assess barriers to service provision in the financial, telecom, and transport sectors of selected MENA countries, including both trade and domestic restrictions. The analysis is focused on computation of aggregate and modal trade restrictiveness...Read More
The International Trade Statistics Yearbook: Volume I - Trade by Country, provides an overview of the latest trends of trade in goods and services of most countries and areas in the world. The publication is aimed at both specialist trade data users and common audience...Read More
Olivier Cadot, Mariem Malouche, Sebastián Sáez , The World Bank 2012
The essence of Streamlining Non-Tariff Measures: A Toolkit for Policy Makers is to help policy makers and analysts navigate through the maze of issues to consider when engaged in trade competitiveness and business regulatory improvement agendas. It offers a novel...Read More
One of the most important issues for regional cooperation and integration in Western Asia is the facilitation of transport and trade between ESCWA member countries. In 1999 the share of ESCWA member countries of their total exports did not exceed 5.5 per cent and their...Read More
The paper used a host of quantitative indicators that summarize the extent of Arab export competitiveness. The data used in the analysis are based on trade flows disaggregated at the three level digits (ISTC) for the years 2000 and 2006( ). The results show that most...Read More
The contributors focus on three issues: the failure of past attempts at integration, the impact on countries involved in any future integration and the possible lessons from other regional experiences, particularly the European Union. A common theme is the importance...Read More
Ingo Borchert, Batshur Gootiiz, Aaditya Mattoo, The World Bank 2012
This paper describes a new initiative to collect comparable information on services trade policies for 103 countries, across a range of service sectors and the relevant modes of service delivery. The resultant database reveals interesting patterns in policy.
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The aim of this study is identifying the challenges facing Arab countries in liberalizing their services sectors, and how to tackle and handle such challenges to ensure positive developmental and welfare gains.
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