There is a growing consensus that “what countries export matters for growth” (Haussman and al. (2007) and Krishna and Maloney (2011). Thus, the evolution of countries’ export baskets can provide useful clues as to how the underpinnings of long-term growth are changing...Read More
The objective of this paper is to assess the impact that the continuous depreciation of Tunisia's currency since the beginning of the reforms has had on the net external agricultural balance. In other words, are the exchange rate policies followed by Tunisia helping or...Read More
The objective of this paper is to examine the most important components of foreign trade policy in Egypt: the tariff structure, non-tariff barriers (NTBs) and the exchange rate policy. With the intent of assessing the policies’ likely impacts on Egyptian export...Read More
This study evaluates the impact of trade liberalization and reductions in trade barriers on gender wage inequality in Egypt by using recent Egypt Labor Market Panel Survey (ELMPS 06) and comparing two years representing early stage (1998) and advanced stage in trade...Read More
This paper investigates the impact of trade openness on wage and job quality outcomes in the Egyptian manufacturing sector over a period of rapid trade liberalization.
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This paper proposes an empirical investigation of the effect of different trade barriers on wages in Egypt. The effect of trade barriers on wage disparity has been widely discussed at both empirical and public policy levels.
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